Codependency and Creativity
INFJ personality types and INFP personality types tend to struggle severely with codependency throughout life. This can be extremely detrimental to our creative lives because codependency is a major block to creativity.
When we are in a codependent relationship with someone, we often will hold ourselves back from doing anything that is threatening to the other person. We will accommodate the other person’s preferences and desires over our own needs, and end up betraying ourselves over and over again. Creativity requires us to take risks, and often these risks can be threatening to other people, especially someone who might be the other half of our codependent relationship.
Within codependent relationships, INFJ personality types and INFP personality types also tend to play pre-defined roles. We may be playing out roles with the other person such as narcissist-enabler or rescuer-victim. Whatever roles are present in the relationship, both parties usually expect that those roles will not change, and that they will remain constant over time. In contrast, creativity changes us at a deep level, and the deeper we get into any kind of creative process, the more we will question our current roles in life and the energy of our relationships.
Every time we hit a codependence block to our creativity, we are being given the opportunity to shatter an old, outdated pattern that no longer serves us. However, we must choose to surrender to the process of the pattern being shattered. If we resist it, it’s likely that we will stay entrenched in codependency.
I talk more about this in the video below:
I’m teaching a new class starting July 3 called Healing Through Creativity, and we’ll be learning how to uncover our natural (if unconventional) creative gifts and use them to heal our own inner wounds, as well as how we can share our creativity with others to spread the energy of healing.
We’ll be covering topics like:
Neurodivergence and creativity
Trauma and creativity
Psychic gifts and creativity
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter HERE to get the next two videos in this series, and all the updates on when registration for Healing Through Creativity opens, and please also SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel here to get more videos on creativity, intuition, and life as an intuitive personality type. If you have any questions about the class, you can send them to me here.
I’ll see you soon with the next video in this series: Creativity and Self-Sabotage.
Lauren Sapala is the author of Writing on the Intuitive Side of the Brain, The INFJ Writer, The INFJ Revolution, and the creator of Energy and Intuition for INFJs, an online course for INFJs on intuition, relationships, creativity, and more. She is also currently offering a free copy of her book Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers to anyone who signs up for her newsletter. SIGN UP HERE to get your free copy.