Do INFJs and INFPs Live Odd Lifestyles?
INFJ personality types and INFP personality types tend to be accommodating when young, and then we become more unconventional with age. As we ease into the midlife transition (also known as the “midlife awakening”) we may explore polyamory or unconventional partnerships with others. We also might travel or move more than other people, or live on the fringes of society.
For many INFJs and INFPs, it’s common to cast off a lot of society’s programming and expectations as a normal part of the aging process. This helps us become more of who we are, and deepen our relationship with self and spirit. But it can feel confusing or threatening to others, and so our circle of relationships may dwindle as we go through this shift. This is because friends and family only see the changes from the outside, and so the shifts may feel sudden to them, too abrupt, or they can’t understand why the shift is happening at all. From their perspective, the person they knew was a certain way for a long time, and now that person has suddenly changed with very little explanation.
It can be extremely difficult for INFJs and INFPs to communicate the details of the inner shifts we are experiencing as we go through the midlife transition. Getting to know other INFJs and INFPs who are on the same journey can make a huge difference in how isolated and alone we feel.
I talk more about this in the video below:
I’m teaching a new class all about the midlife transition and how it unfolds for INFJs and INFPs. It’s called “Midlife Awakening” and it begins on Wed June 12.
I got the inspiration to teach this class because I sent out an email to my audience and asked, “What should I teach next?” Overwhelmingly, people said they wanted a class on midlife transitions and midlife awakening. So, I designed this class to answer that need.
Although the class will be geared toward people who are currently experiencing a “midlife awakening” (people in their late 30s, 40s, and 50s), or a “late-life awakening” (people in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond), there is actually no age requirement to join the class. All ages are welcome.
I’m hoping this class will shed light on some of the more hidden facets of the midlife transition for intuitive personality types and also help bring people together so that we can support each other as we make this journey.
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter HERE to get all the updates on when registration for Midlife Awakening opens, and please also SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel here to get more videos on life as an INFJ or INFP. If you have any questions about the class, you can send them to me here.
Hopefully I’ll see you in this class!
Lauren Sapala is the author of Writing on the Intuitive Side of the Brain, The INFJ Writer, The INFJ Revolution, and the creator of Energy and Intuition for INFJs, an online course for INFJs on intuition, relationships, creativity, and more. She is also currently offering a free copy of her book Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers to anyone who signs up for her newsletter. SIGN UP HERE to get your free copy.