How INFJs and INFPs Can Make More Money

Lauren Sapala
3 min readApr 30, 2024


INFJ personality types and INFP personality types frequently struggle with making money. We also struggle with the popular advice to “follow your bliss.” For INFJ personality types and INFP personality types, our “bliss” is usually writing, music, and/or art, but it can feel very difficult to make a sustainable income from any of these activities.

What most INFJ personality types and INFP personality types don’t understand is that “follow your bliss” is only one piece of the money-making puzzle, and it won’t work unless all the other pieces are in place. In order to truly follow our “bliss,” we also need to find a niche that works for us, where we can do what we love and also offer something to an audience willing to pay us for it.

Finding this kind of niche can be challenging for INFJ personality types and INFP personality types, but once we understand how to do it, everything becomes much easier. And once we’ve found our niche, we have a solid foundation to build a creative business that we love AND that brings us reliable income.

I talk more about this in the video below:

I’m teaching a new class all about this topic called “The Successful Solopreneur,” and it starts on Wednesday, May 8. I’ve purposefully designed this class to be simple and easy for those who are interested in launching their own solopreneur business and are looking to get some help in figuring out their creative niche and what kind of audience they want to serve.

This class will also be a great fit for those who already have a solopreneur business going and want to get more clients, build a stronger audience, and create better offerings. We’ll be focusing on the nuts-and-bolts of what it takes to run a solopreneur business, and we’ll also be going deep into the psychology of selling and marketing.

The psychological aspects are so important not only because we need to learn how to help our audience in the best way possible, but also because so many INFJ personality types and INFP personality types have huge mental resistance to selling and marketing in any form.

Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter HERE to get the next two videos in this series, and all the updates on when registration for The Successful Solopreneur opens, and please also SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel here to get more videos on life as an INFJ or INFP. If you have any questions about the class, you can send them to me here.

I’d love to see you in this class!

Lauren Sapala is the author of Writing on the Intuitive Side of the Brain, The INFJ Writer, The INFJ Revolution, and the creator of Energy and Intuition for INFJs, an online course for INFJs on intuition, relationships, creativity, and more. She is also currently offering a free copy of her book Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers to anyone who signs up for her newsletter. SIGN UP HERE to get your free copy.



Lauren Sapala

Writer. Writing Coach. Author of The INFJ Writer: Cracking the Creative Genius of the World’s Rarest Type.